lunedì 23 aprile 2012

Ex04: possible solution

Available for download a possible solution for Ex04. The third exercise in Ex04 let you practice on namespaces usage. Here you can find another example showing how you can use different XML schema files to validate an XML file and how to use namespaces in this case. Note that avoiding default namespace and using always namespace qualified elements there are no ambiguities (see the element firstname in the example) and everything goes smoothly.

venerdì 13 aprile 2012

New exercises and solutions

Available for download new exercises on XML schema and a possible solution of Ex03. Try to do the new exercises and send me email or post a comment if you experience difficulties.


As you know, due to the earthquake, for security reasons (?), there are no classes today. Today we were expected to finish XML schema and see some fundamentals of Xpath and XSLT.
I'm not asking to study by yourself Xpath and XSLT but you are invited to read the remaining slides on XML schema and try to solve the new exercises I will post soon. I will also post a possible solution of Ex03 that you can use as a reference in solving Ex04.
After the mid-term break we will probably do some extra classes but my coverage of the remaining part of XML schema will be very quick anyway.

martedì 10 aprile 2012

No class on Thursday 12

This coming Thursday there will be NO CLASS. The class on Friday 13 will be held regularly.
Use this unexpected free time to review your XML and DTD knowledge and to do all the exercise!

Exercises on basic XML

Exercises on basic XML, DTD writing, CSS visualization and very simple XSD are available for download
If you have any questions or suggestions on how to solve the problems feel free to post them on the blog.

sabato 7 aprile 2012

Slides on XML validation

Slides on DTD and XML Schema are available for download. Part of the these slides were covered last week, the remaining will be covered next week.