giovedì 28 maggio 2015


Available handouts on JSP programming and database access in Java using JDBC, some sample code (JSP, JDBC) and a new exercise set.
Implementation of some of the exercises given during the semester will be published in the next days.

mercoledì 27 maggio 2015

URGENTE: anticipo lezione del 28/05

Si comunica che la lezione di domani 28/5 sarà sempre in aula A210 ma dalle 10:00 alle 13:00 invece che dalle 11:00 alle 14:00.

giovedì 21 maggio 2015

venerdì 15 maggio 2015


Available for download handouts on jQuery and JSON, some sample code and a new exercise set.
I also suggest reading this very short article about jQuery history..

martedì 5 maggio 2015

No class on Thursday

The lesson scheduled for Thursday, May 7th, is canceled. We will meet again in class on Tuesday, May 12nd.

AJAX fundamentals

Available for download handout on AJAX and some sample code. In order to test the code with browsers different from the latest versions of Firefox, you have to serve the files using an actual web server.

lunedì 4 maggio 2015